The Latin American Ecumenical Portal ( will be a year old. Aiming at making available a better service we would like to hear those who utilize it. This is why we have prepared a questionnaire to collect your opinion about accessibility, link, layout and search.

Please, fill in the evaluation questionnaire about the ecumenical portal.
Your opinion is very important to us.

Many thanks.

ALC - Agencia Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Comunicación, CEBI - Centro de Estudos Bíblicos, CECA - Centro Ecumênico de Evangelização Capacitação e Assessoria, Centro Memorial Martin Luther King, CESE – Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço, CESEP - Centro Ecumênico de Serviços à Evangelização e Educação Popular, CIPAE - Comité de Iglesias para Ayudas de Emergência, CLAI – Conselho Latinoamericano de Igrejas, CONIC - Conselho Nacional de Igrejas Cristãs do Brasil CREAS - Centro Regional Ecuménico de Asesoría y Servicio, FASIC - Fundación de Ayuda Social de las Iglesias Cristianas, GTME - Grupo de Trabalho Missionário Evangélico, IEAB - Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil, KOINONIA Presença Ecumênica e Serviço, PROFEC - Programa de Formação e Educação, REJU Rede Ecumênica da Juventude e UNIPOP - Instituto Universidade Popular.



Full name:  
1) Sex:  
2) Age group: up to 18 years 18 - 35 years of age 36 - 55 years of age Over 55 years of age
3) How long have you been using the computer? less than 1 year 1 - 4 years 5 - 8 years more than 8 years
4) How many hours a week do you use the computer? less than 5 hours 5 - 10 hours 10 - 20 hours more than 20 hours

5) How frequently do you visit the portal?

Daily Some times a week Some times a month Less than once a month This is my first visit

6) On average, how much time do you spend on the portal per week?

less than 1 hour 1 - 4 hours 4 - 10 hours more than 10 hours

7) Você lembra quanto tempo permaneceu no portal?

up to 5 minutes 5 - 15 min 15 min - 1 hour more than 1 hour

8) Would you visit the ecumenical portal again? No


9) If you could modify one or more pages of the portal, which one(s) would you choose? Why?


10) Is there any information that you could not find on the portal? If yes, please provide details?


11) Suggestions / Criticism:



Users’ navigation experience and visual aspects of the portal





The portal’s layout is pleasant and legible.

I always know in which page I am and how to get to the page I want.

Even before I click on a link I know where it is going to lead me  

Overall, I consider that the access to information on the portal is quick.

The navigation resources (menu, icons, links and buttons) are all clear and easy to find.

As soon as I enter the portal I can already identify its objectives.

The textual content is clear and consistent.

I consider navigation on this portal easy.

Do you have any additional comment on the portal’s navigation?